Competition for a new commercial school in Ravensburg

This open competition is about a new commercial school in Ravensburg. Here it was important for us to uncover the blue infrastructure and connect the school campus to it. The river will provide a recreational area and it can also be seen as an urban planning approach in which naturalistic or completely artificial infrastructures in the city allow the whole water cycle to occur.

This can improve the delivery of water-related ecosystem services (reducing pollution in the air, irrigating parks, providing local drinking water). The designed infrastructure include things like "bioretention cells" also known as "rain gardens", which are small, specially constructed gardens where runoff from rain collects and contaminants and sediments are filtered out into the soil; "bioswales" or depressions where water runs slowly and contaminants and sediments collect and are filtered out into the soil or other structural material.

Some people might expect that green spaces are extravagant and excessively difficult to maintain, but high-performing green spaces can provide tangible economic, ecological, and social benefits. So where, if not near a new school could such a solution be presented?


Competition Marti Hotel near Airport Stuttgart